Finite Difference Method - Upwind forward Euler
1D linear advection equation
1D linear advection equation
where the independent variables are (time) and (space)
- is restricted to the finite interval which is called the computational domain.
- is a constant and the denpend variable
- where =
Initial Condition
Step 1: Spatial Discretisation
First we replace the computational domain by a finite set. Because the computaional domain contains infinte number of .
This process we called spatial discretisation.
![1D computational domain](/blog/assets/1d_computational_domain-tBlsKRgJ.png)
The computational domain is repalced by a grid of equally spaced grid points.
The first grid point is
The last grid point is
The constant grid spacing,
The values of in the discretised computational domain are indexed by the subscripts to give,
Since the grid spacing is a constant,
![Discretised computational domain](/blog/assets/1d_Discretised_computational_domain-DWmBGQiI.png)
Fixing at , we approximate the, , in (1) for each point using the forward difference formula.
Then, replacing in (1) by its approximation,
which is said to be in semi-discrete from since only the spatial derivative has been discretised 这里是只有空间被离散了
The grid is also called the mesh and the operation of discretising the computational domain is called gridding or meshing
Step 2: Time Discretisation
Then, we fix at and we approximate the temporal partial derivative, , in (1) for each point using the first order forward difference formula to gives,
Then, substituting the formula and we can get
Which rearranges to gives,
Code Implementation
The main file is below
program ying_feng_1D
use globals1d
use module_data1d
implicit none
! Variables
call parameters
! Body of ying_feng_1D
print *, 'Start Run'
do kkkk = 1,2!7
!call cpu_time(start)
call setup
call allocate_var
call init
time = 0.
do while( time < time_final )
call setdt(time_final)
call get_stream_tn
call deallocate_var
!call cpu_time(finish)
print *, 'End Run'
include "setup.f90"
include "init.f90"
include "allocate_var.f90"
include "parameters.f90"
include "setdt.f90"
include "get_upstream_tn.f90"
include "order_dg.f90"
end program ying_feng_1D
Step 1: Initial Parameters
First, we need to initial some variables which I mentioned above.
It should be a subroutine
subroutine init
implicit none
integer :: i
dx = (xright-xleft)/nx
do i = 1 - nghost,nx + nghost
xgrid(i) = xleft + i * dx
do i = 1 - nghost,nx + nghost
vertex(i)%coor = fun_init(xgrid(i))
end subroutine init
- dx :
- xgrid(i) : grid points
- vertex(i)%coor : the value of initial value at
The, we need to set up some value for our initial variables like this,
subroutine setup
implicit none
nx = 10 * 2 ** kkkk
xleft = 0.
xright = 2. * pi
nghost = 1.
time_final = 20.
cfl = 0.1 !0.5
end subroutine setup
real function ax(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
ax = 1.
end function ax
real function exact(x,t)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x,t
exact = sin(x-t)
end function exact
real function fun_init(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
fun_init = sin(x)
end function fun_init
- nx : is the number of grid/mesh
- xleft, right: in (1)
- nghost : 这个是因为第一个值的预测值需要周期性信息
- time_final : Time distance
- cfl: a number for some pythical conservation and make the time move on.
- ax(x): This is in the (1)
- exact(x) : the exact solution of the PDE
- fun_init: the
Step 2: Data structures
I think for this method, we at least need to set two different data structures.
For this file, It should be a module
module module_data1d
!data structure
type, public :: point1d
real :: coor
end type
type(point1d),allocatable,target,public :: vertex(:)
type, public :: element1d
!type(point1d) :: porigin, pend
real :: coor
!integer :: id
end type
type(element1d),allocatable,target,public :: element(:)
end module module_data1d
The first one is point1d
which is a public data structure and we have a real
variable, coor
: We need to store the initial value.
The second one is element1d
which is a public data structure and we have... 编不下去了,当初写着写代码发现这个数据格式没意义,但是留下来了
Step 3: Start to calculate
First, we need have a for-loop in the main file and It looks like this in my code,
do kkkk = 1,2!7
!call cpu_time(start)
call setup
call allocate_var
call init
time = 0.
do while( time < time_final )
call setdt(time_final)
call get_stream_tn
call deallocate_var
!call cpu_time(finish)
There have two main file for making the predicted value, setdt(time_final)
and get_stream_tn
. 这两个名字感觉命名的不是很好
This setdt
is used for time forward.
subroutine setdt(time_f)
implicit none
real,intent(in) :: time_f
! ste dt and get tn+1
dt = cfl*dx
if(time+dt>time_f) dt = time_f - time
time = time + dt
print *,"Time��", time
end subroutine setdt
The get_stream_tn
is used to execute the equation (3)
subroutine get_stream_tn
implicit none
integer i
element(0)%coor = vertex(0)%coor - dt * (vertex(0)%coor - vertex(nx)%coor)/dx
do i = 1,nx + nghost
element(i)%coor = vertex(i)%coor - dt * (vertex(i)%coor - vertex(i-1)%coor)/dx
do i = 1 - nghost, nx + nghost
vertex(i)%coor = element(i)%coor
end subroutine get_stream_tn
Step 4: Calculate the Error
subroutine order_dg
implicit none
integer :: kk0
real :: error1,error2,error3
real :: rr1,rr2,rr3
real :: exe
do kk0 = 1 - nghost, nx + nghost
write(1,*) xgrid(kk0), element(kk0)%coor
open(101, file='error_dg.txt')
do kk0 = 1 - nghost, nx + nghost
exe = exact( xgrid(kk0) , time_final ) - vertex(kk0)%coor
error1 = error1 + abs(exe)
error2 = error2 + exe**2
error3 = max(error3,abs(exe))
if(kkkk.eq.1) write(101,103), nx, error1, error2, error3
write(*,*) 'error', error1, error2
if( then
rr1 = log(er1/error1)/log(2.)
rr2 = log(er2/error2)/log(2.)
rr3 = log(er3/error3)/log(2.)
write(101,102) nx,error1,rr1,error2,rr2,error3,rr3
write(*,*) nx, rr1, rr2, rr3
er1 = error1
er2 = error2
er3 = error3
102 format(i6,1x,3('&',1x, es12.2e2,1x,'&' 1x,f8.2 ,1x),'\\',1x,'\hline')
103 format(i6,1x,3('&',1x,es12.2E2,1x,'&',1x),'\\',1x,'\hline')
123 format(4(1x,f16.6))
open(2, file="exact.plt")
do kk0 = 1 - nghost, nx + nghost
exe = 0.
exe = exact(xgrid(kk0), time_final)
write(2,123) xgrid(kk0), exe
end subroutine order_dg