The proof of Lemma 1.2
小于 1 分钟
The proof of Lemma 1.2
Lemma 1.2
Lemma 1.2
The number of walks of length in , from to , is the entry in position of the matrix .
When the result is true, because is adjacency matrix.
Suppose the result is true for . Then, for the set of walk of length from to is in bijective correspondence with the set if walks of length from to adjacent to .
Then, the number of such walks is
- 表示的是:当走了 步之后,从第 ,到达第 个点. 这 点有n个,且与第 个点为邻居。
- : 就是 与 的关系,如果adjacent,就为 1, not adjacent,为 0